Hello all !
Back to the blog ! Hope you guys are doing better .. I have not been active for around 4 weeks .. but now I will be consistent every weekend. For being a computer science student, we have a lot of assignments and projects due. But if am productive enough, it may lead me to a great pace of finishing of these sh#ts. Well what is productivity? Lemme discuss all these terms with you. Myself Shivam Narkar form Linuxious and our today's topic is Which Distro is best for productivity ? .

Table of Contents -
- What is productivity ?
- Classification of Linux distributions
- List of best productive Linux Distros.
- Conclusion

What is Productivity ?
According to the definition of Wikipedia, Productivity is the efficiency of production of goods or services expressed by some measure. Measurements of productivity are often expressed as a ratio of an aggregate output to a single input or an aggregate input used in a production process, i.e. output per unit of input, typically over a specific period of time. Did you know that there is a derived formula for calculating productivity? Here is the equation :
Productivity % = Output / Input ร 100
I know that its simple but if you input the time work required and the time you completed the work, you will see the result. For eg : if I need to complete an assignment in 2 hours and I completed in 1.5 hours then it will be :
1.5/2 ร 100 = 75%
So now I have my productivity on assignment is 75% which good as compared to other works. The higher it is , better the results are. But never try to do multitasking in it. Sorry for tips !

Classification of Linux Distributions
There are lot of Linux Distros available in market. Some famous one are Ubuntu, Zorin, Pop OS, Linux Mint, etc. But there are around 4 main types which are - Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora & OpenSUSE. They have different methods to install applications or when we have to play with themes. But there are some hybrid OS also like Zorin which can install Ubuntu & Debian packages easily. But which is the best choice to opt ? May the cat has the answer.

Best Productive Linux Distros
So here are some handpicked productive distros for you all..
1. Elementary OS :
Elementary OS is simple & minimial but powerful distro ever made. Its speciality is the MacOS-like look and easy installation. Its one of the productive because of the tasks & calendar app which is pre-installed in elementary OS. And we can install Notion or Obsidian easily using snap & flatpak.
2. Zorin OS
Zorin OS is a personal computer operating system designed and promoted for users new to Linux-based computers. One of its built-in features lets users change the interface to resemble those of Microsoft Windows or macOS. Wine and PlayOnLinux can be easily installed in Zorin OS, allowing users to run compatible Windows software for ease of transition which is beneficial.
3. Ubuntu
Ubuntu is a Linux distribution based on Debian and composed mostly of free and open-source software.. Ubuntu is a popular operating system for cloud computing, with support for OpenStack. Its easy to handle and is beneficial for software engineers. You can install all open-source applications just by a line in terminal or from Software store.
Conclusion :
Rest all are also productive, but these ones are most helpful & user-friendly according to me. So here I conclude that these are Linux productive distros which are user-friendly.
So see you later ! Bye all ! ๐๐